Sunday, 10 February 2013

Tattoo me, baby

I wanted to show you this new tattoo of mine for a while now. Today, I am in the mood of sharing, yet again, so here is the first glimpse of it for you. It was the most painful thing!! But so worth it. I am head over heels in love with it. Do you remember why I did it? :-)
What do you think?


  1. I do I do remember, so cute! :-) You look stunning x

  2. I can't really see what it is but it looks like it's pretty!


  3. Aww for your name and also commitment to you and Rob as 2 halves I think? Either way its beautiful ink!

  4. It's to commit your love to Rob? I adore it, very sexy. Love, Sonia x


Hey! Thank you for your comments, I always appreciate reading them.
Love, Saule.

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